Gone in 60 Seconds and Then Back Again Next Year

For 12 years, Brooklyn College’s Department of Theater has collaborated with Leeds University in the United Kingdom to produce a festival of one-minute plays. This year’s Gi60 (Gone in 60 Seconds) International One Minute Play Festival, held earlier this month in the campus’ New Workshop Theater, featured 50 plays with five directors and a cast of 17 current and former student actors. The event is live streamed, and for the second year, the Hagley Theatre Company in New Zealand joined in. Organizers considered it one of the most successful to date. Proceeds from ticket sales go to a scholarship fund for Brooklyn College theater students.

Check out the Gi60 YouTube channel to view the plays. Meanwhile, here are a few photos from this year’s festival.

From left: Jay Nickerson, Katherine Harte-DeCoux, and Mickey Ryan in The Reptilian Candidate, by Steve Ansell, founder and artistic director of Gi60.
From left: Mack Exilus, Fito Alvarado, and Alexandra Slater in There Be No Shelter Here, by Eugene Solfanelli.
Sabrina Cataudella and Mickey Ryan in Soulmates, by Catherine Clyne.